One month passed from the end of this edition and we would like to thank you again for visiting Pastorfrigor Group at EuroShop 2023.
It was a pleasure to have the possibility to meet you and to share your impressions about the market and our cooperation.
In this edition, we have introduced several New Products with the last technology and the best energy saving performance as it is the natural orientation of Pastorfrigor Group from the beginning of our history since 1964.
Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Profitability are the mains priorities in the retail sector today.
With the models you have seen and touched, we and you, we go to the market with the best products to optimise every format of store, giving you also the possibility to increase your number of clients and to support your company in order be considered, between the leaders of the market.
Here you will be able to browse and download our catalogue with the complete range of products Pastorfrigor, updated with all the news regarding Euroshop 2023.
Thank you again for your attentions towards all of us,
your confidence and your contribution in order to make the Pastorfrigor range of products
the best solutions for the Food Retail Sector.
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