Partner: Serviconsulting, Madrid Models installed: Prince VDR R290 service showcases and High efficiency plug in multidecks; Genova OVERVIEW R290 series Objectives: to update the existing supermarket with high-performance ecological cabinets, improving the vision and display of products. Significant cost reduction. Plug-in solution with low noise level. Savings: 50% on the investment compared to a traditional remote installation. Savings of around 120,000 euros (electricity only) over the next 10 years compared to the average of other producers.
SERVICONSULTING is always at the forefront of refrigeration projects since 1980; the priority of this company is to always be at the service of its customers by offering innovative solutions in response to great needs and performances.
Serviconsulting establishes a partnership with the Italian manufacturer Pastorfrigor Spa also known in the international market for over 56 years for its design and technology in the production of refrigerated cabinets.
In a complex social and economic situation caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, Carlos, director of the company, coordinates with the owners of the shop Luis and Sonia, customers with whom he has a trusting relationship for years and who are now worried about the situation and at the same time they need to make a radical change to their Supermarket whose refrigeration system had been obsolete for many years and presented the problems inherent in this situation: low energy efficiency, need of improving the product exposure, dependence on refrigerants that are harmful to the environment, heavily penalized by ecological fees, annoying noises for neighbours, etc.
This year 2020 presented many challenges and the main objectives are to significantly reduce investment costs, using high-performance quality display cabinets, with maximum safety in the preservation and display of the product, improving the shopping experience of the final customer and with the maximum respect for the environment with a range of models that will be still up to date in the next 10 years and an installation ready in the shortest possible time, without closing the store for a single day and therefore without losing sales.
What did Pastorfrigor and Serviconsulting install?
Carlos together with Luis and Sonia have changed all the exhibitors by selecting refrigerated cabinets that guarantees the correct presentation and the required temperature for each food product at 360 °. For the display serveover show case they chose the Prince VDR model with straight glasses, the best seller of the Pastorfrigor line to guarantee less drying of meats and high quality products of the Spanish territory with a large load capacity, design and display from all the angles of the cold cuts / meat area. For the wall mutidecks, the Genova OVERVIEW line was used for the positive temperature, the market leader display with the lowest daily energy consumption, only 1 Euro of electricity for a 2500mm long mural with H205 height and doors.
A total of 19 pieces of cabinets to cover all food product display needs: Meat, Delicatessen, Fishmongers, Dairy products, Fruit, Vegetables and hundreds of promotional products.
What were the results?
Serviconsulting and Pastorfrigor were able to install 19 high-efficiency self-contained refrigerated cabinets in 24 hours, for all merchandising needs, multiplexed together, allowing the end customer not to stop sales in the supermarket and guaranteeing a quick return on investment thanks to highly efficient features of the models used. Respect for the environment by using R290 gas with a low GWP and a very low noise level (lower than traditional equivalent models).
The savings on Luis’ electricity bill will be:
– 12.158,88 € in 2020
– 36.476,64 € until 2023
– 60.794,40 € until 2025
– 121.588,80 € up to 2030
These important values do not fear comparison with any other manufacturer on the market. Display refrigerators of great durability and exceptional performance adapting to any project, to face the new times in our market with guarantees.
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