Pastorfrigor Group is these days the protagonist in reaching an important goal, the result of constant commitment and desire to improve and bring innovation to the world of refrigeration.
The technical department of the headquarter in Terruggia, together with the lab’s technicians, has completed the tests for the creation of a new, innovative, and avant-garde commercial wall multideck display that adds further value to a complete range of products in step with the times, compliant with the most recent regulations imposed by the European Commission.
The model Genova OV Doors is the 1st and only commercial wall display cabinet in the world to achieve Ecodesign Energy Label A, the best one currently.
The innovative system allows:
– Significant reduction in consumption and noise
– Store layout flexibility with the widest modularity
– Possibility of immediate installation
– Wide product range, the widest on the market
– Full customization and tailored solutions
Starting from this year the March 1st, all European producers are required to label and register electrical equipment, with the plate showing the energy consumption and the class to which this consumption refers ranging from A to letter G.
This energy classification, called Ecodesign creates a selection of products based on their energy performance, establishes the minimum requirements for energy efficiency and the labelling helps to measure this efficiency.
This is an opportunity for companies in the refrigeration sector because finally all end users can compare products that apparently look identical but have very different energy and functional performances.
Companies now have a tool to prove that products perform better than their competitors.
Pastorfrigor is so proud of this important achievement obtained thanks to the continuous encouragement of the President Franco Pastorello, who is celebrating 57 years of activity this year, to the team of technicians and engineers and all the sales staff, led by his daughter Clara Pastorello, General Manager.
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